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Hello friends!

I will be doing blogs a few times a week and thought a great way to start it off is with ways that we can help ourselves feel more balanced, less stressed and have a more positive outlook even though it is hard sometimes- especially with all the sunless days we have been getting recently during this quarantine! If you find yourself struggling here are some tips and trips that may help!


Self care is so important for your mental and physical health! There are many ways to take care of yourself even if it is as simple as making sure you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs and eating healthier meals with essential proteins, vegetables and fruits! This helps with balancing cravings, can help calm acne, gives you more energy and helps your overall skin and health in general!

Another way you can spend some time treating yourself is to watch your favorite movie that makes you laugh, put on a face mask and hair mask, sip on your favorite drink and just let yourself relax. I know many of us are keeping ourselves busy- working out and organizing or fixing up your home but your body and mind need to relax to recharge for the next day!

Here are some fun all natural face masks that you might even have in your home already!


This may be the best time to make a routine! They say it takes 30 days to get used to something so why not try it now? It could be giving your skin more attention and creating an everyday skin care routine. It could be getting up early and going for a run or work out. Spending less time on your phone and more time being productive reading a book, learning something new or just focusing on your health and how to become the healthiest and happiest you can be!

Set a goal for yourself. It could be just to stay positive each day, to be in better shape, to be more organized or something you have always wanted to try.

Make a list of all your goals (that are realistic of course) and each day pick something off your list and find something that you can do to work towards meeting that goal. It could be as little as sending a kind text to those who mean so much to you or meditating or trying yoga! You could set a goal for the whole month or for each day!

Look up other Blogs, Youtube videos or even apps that can help you work towards your goal!


If you have been feeling a little down or have a bad day try writing in a journal the things you are thankful for, or recall a good memory and write it down!

Keep in touch with positive people who make you smile and laugh because it will create a happier environment around you!

If your home feels dreary brighten it up with flowers or some house plants,

There are many health benefits to having flowers and plants in your home but you can read more about it in another of our blogs we did a few weeks ago on all the benefits of indoor plants and how they effect us!

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