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Things you probably didn't know about these flowers


Dasies- The yellow disc in the center of a daisy is actually comprised of hundreds of tiny flowers.

Tulips- In 17th century Holland, tulip bulbs were worth more than gold and used as currency at times; they were the subject of famous paintings, and they are still quite popular there.

Flowers- look different to insects than they do to us; many petals have ultraviolet or infrared patterns visible only to insects that guide them to the flower’s nectar.

Bamboo- Bamboo releases 30% more oxygen into the atmosphere and absorbs more carbon dioxide compared to other plants. Because of these features, bamboo greatly decreases amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and cleans the air.

Thistle- When the Vikings invaded Scotland, their progress was hampered by fields full of wild thistle allowing the Scots to escape. The thistle has since become Scotland's national flower.

Roses- Two thousand flowers of rose are needed to produce one gram of rose oil.

Madonna lily- Was used in 17th century for treatment of snake bites and sore muscles. Its leaves and flowers used to make useful liniments to heal wounds and bruises.

Carnations- In Korea, to tell the fortune of a young girl, 3 carnations are put on her hair. If the bottom one dies first, she will have a hard life. If the middle one dies first, she will have hard times in youth but life will improve later. If the top one dies first, she will have a tough life only in the end.

Carnations’ scientific name ‘Dianthus caryophyllus’ means ‘flower of the Gods’.

Carnations are many times related to feelings. Red carnation symbolize deep love, white represents pure love while yellow represents dejection.

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