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Flower of the Month : Lilacs

Lilacs were late this year compared to usual years where they are done blooming in Michigan around memorial day! We have lots of beautiful fresh locally picked Lilacs available now at Sunnyslope Floral. This shrub is a lot more than just pretty flowers, with a wonderful scent! Lilacs have carried symbolic meaning in many cultures for centuries.

1. Lilacs are in the same family as an Olive tree!

2. These shrubs belong to the Oleaceae family, which includes over 20 different plant species, including olives and Jasmine. Within their species, there are more than 1,000 varieties of lilacs!

3. White lilacs symbolize purity and innocence.

4. Violet lilacs symbolize spirituality.

5. Blue lilacs symbolize happiness and tranquility.

6. Magenta lilacs symbolize love and passion.

7. The flowers grow in large panicles, and in several species have a strong and beautiful fragrance.

8. The fruit is a dry, brown capsule, splitting in two at maturity to release the two winged seeds.

9. Lilac flowers are beloved for bouquets, and when in bloom, hummingbirds and butterflies adorn them.

10. Lilacs have one of the shortest bloom times and only flower for three weeks at the beginning of spring.

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